Monday, April 20, 2009

My Pretties

Well, I've decided to begin my maiden blog, except as you may notice, I'm having a wee bit of trouble deciding which FONT to use....p'rhaps this one has just enough touch of elegance
to throw off any serious enquirer as to whether or not this will be a worthwhile read....frankly Scarlett, I don't give a....hoot. I'm doing this for my OWN amusement...However, I see plainly the issues before me are several. First, judging from the difficulty in choosing font, I see that "indecision is the key to flexibility." The negative side of this coin is "indecision is the key to inaction." I just made that up. Makes perfect sense. And if truth be told, I do it well - the inaction part, that is. So this first blog may become a pathway for personal introspection.

I wonder if it is indecision that keeps me from putting batteries in my lovely collection of clocks artfully placed about the house? Is it that I can't choose which batteries to buy? Or that I can't decide what time it really is? No, I think it's simply that I enjoy having clocks that read differently. That way, it can be any time I want. The negative to that of course, is that I never DO know what time it is (unless I peek on my phone, and sometimes I've misplaced it and I end up spending wasted moments in the search).
Could it be indecision or inaction that I have a half dozen or so empty salt and pepper shakers? Certainly not indecision! There's little to decide about which spice goes into which shaker. Or is it that I can't decide which one to fill first? They're all so pretty, I really don't care if they are used for their intended purpose or not. Uh-oh. There it is. All of this has little to do with indecision and inaction. I like to see pretty around me. As long as the items are pleasing to my eye, they do not need to function. So, the first truth to be gleaned by the writing of this page is (drum roll please).....the font I choose had better be good......

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I'm glad you started, and I like this one very much.
